Machine Learning for Beginners

Welcome to this course on classical machine learning for beginners! Whether you’re completely new to this topic, or an experienced ML practitioner looking to brush up on an area, we’re happy to have you join us for our machine learning online course starting at the 101 level!

In this video series you will learn all about classical machine learning, including topics such as linear regression and logistic regression. You will get hands on with code leveraging Jupyter Notebooks inside Visual Studio Code and see how to build and use Machine Learning models using tools like SciKit Learn, NumPy, Pandas and Matplotlib.

This course is based on the free, open source, 26 lesson ML For Beginners curriculum from Microsoft, which can be found at:

Price Free
Language English
Duration 1 Hour
Certificate No
Course Pace Self Paced
Course Level Advanced
Course Category Machine Learning
Course Instructor Microsoft
Machine LearningMachine Learning for Beginners