Build LLM Apps with LangChain.js

Understand the fundamentals of using LangChain’s JavaScript library to orchestrate and chain different modules together.

What you’ll learn in this course

JavaScript is the world’s most popular programming language, and now developers can program in JavaScript to build powerful LLM apps.

This course will show webdevs how to expand their toolkits with LangChain.js, a popular JavaScript framework for building with LLMs, and will cover useful concepts for creating powerful, context-aware applications.

By taking this course, you will:

  • Learn to use LangChain’s underlying abstractions to build your own JavaScript apps
  • Understand the basics of retrieval augmented generation (RAG)
  • Have the structure of a basic conversational retrieval system that you can use for building your own chatbots
Who should join?

Anyone with intermediate JavaScript knowledge and wants to build machine learning applications.

Price Free
Language English
Duration 1 Hour
Certificate No
Course Pace Self Paced
Course Level Advanced
Course Category LLM
Course Instructor DeepLearning.AI
LLMBuild LLM Apps with LangChain.js